How to Create Balance in Your Workspace

How to Create Balance in Your Workspace

At Vibrant Interiors, we firmly believe that good Hygge exponentially increases health and quality of life and that the best way to achieve this state of “soul, mind, consciousness” is by infusing the energies found in nature to your office. Quite simply, the easiest way to bring balance to your workspace is by incorporating the Five Elements found in Nature - Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, and Fire! We are here to give you the tools on how to apply this to your life to achieve an office that makes you feel great.


How to Pick the Right Color for Your Decor

How to Pick the Right Color for Your Decor

Color is a wonder. When you see a color, chemical neurons in your brain are stimulated to evoke an emotional response. Color activates a myriad of feelings depending on the hue. Feeling such as love or anger; calm or excitement; vibrancy or stagnation. This is why color selection is so important when decorating your environment. Color is one of the most important tools we use in Feng Shui Interior Design to raise the vibration of a space so that our clients achieve optimal health and well-being in their surroundings. Even the Bagua Map is planned according to color.


Check Out the Recent Redfin Article We Were Featured in + Dining room refresh!

Check Out the Recent Redfin Article We Were Featured in + Dining room refresh!

Color plays a huge role in setting the mood of your room. And if you're looking for a fun DIY project to tackle, what better way to spruce up your space than with calming paint colors to create a relaxing home base? Whether you're adding Feng Shui into your interior or deciding on ways to revamp a bedroom, we've got you covered. Redfin reached out to us and other experts from Tampa, FL, all the way to Toronto, ON, for our advice on choosing the best calming paint colors for your home. From soothing blues and greens to warm browns and beiges, check out what we had to say for the best hues to help you achieve a serene home.




We’re so excited to do this meaningful work with you! Here is what to expect when working with Vibrant Interiors for a Feng Shui and/or Design Consultation:

1. We begin with a FREE 15-minute phone conversation to see if Feng Shui design is right for you.

2. After our consult, we proceed with a longer Zoom call or in-person conversation where we discuss your goals and intentions for the journey.


5 Reasons to Have Your Desk in the Command Position

5 Reasons to Have Your Desk in the Command Position

Position so it is facing the entry but not directly facing the door. It can be perpendicular to a wall so you can look out the window, or it can be diagonal from the entry. The goal is to be able to see the door so you are not startled when someone walks in and you don’t have negative energy at your back.