5 Reasons to Have Your Desk in the Command Position

Vibrant Interiors | 5 Reasons to Have Your Desk in the Command Position

Here are some ways to arrange your desk to feel safe, grounded, and empowered.

How You Position Your Desk Matters

The Power of Command Position

  1. Position so it is facing the entry but not in direct line with the door if that is possible. It can also be perpendicular to a wall so you can look out the window, or it can be diagonal from the entry. The goal is to be able to see the door so you are not startled when someone walks in and you don’t have negative energy at your back.

  2. In my studies of Feng Shui, some say you can experience a “spiritual attack” having your back against the door. But at the very least, you cannot psychologically rest if your back is against a door. Subconsciously you always feel like someone is going to surprise you from the back. Given the last year we’ve had working from home, I’m sure many people have had their kids make “Zoom Appearances”. LOL.

  3. When you change your desk around and go from having a door behind you to a wall, think of the wall as literally “having your back.” Place a beautiful piece of art or landscape behind you as a strong backdrop that supports your true nature. It serves as a protection and can even liven up your background on a video conference.

  4. A door behind you can manifest physically such as pain in your back or chest tightness.

  5. When you are not facing the entrance in an office, you could be missing out on opportunities. Command Position helps you feel empowered, in control of your workspace, and grounded.

Need help rearranging your space? Is your floor plan just not conducive to having your desk in Command? Contact me today for some tips and Feng Shui “cures” to help you in your unique situation!

Vibrant Interiors | 5 Reasons to Have Your Desk in the Command Position