The Five Elements

Vibrant Interiors | The Five Elements

5 Elements

Earth, Fire, Water, Wood, Metal

Feng Shui identifies and uses the 5 major elements in nature to bring balance and harmony into a space. Earth, Metal, Fire, Water, Wood. Each square of the Bagua Map, the gua, has its own element assigned to it. For example, the Career and Life Path gua is ruled by the Water element and its corresponding color is black and dark blue. We improve this area of your life by bringing pieces that reflect the water element to this area. 

Another BIG part of the 5 elements is that they are embodied in who we are.  We also find that the elements operate in all people at all times, but since we are all unique, one of the elements will be more pronounced in the personality.  We each have a dominant element in our personality and way of being. 

We identify this by using an assessment during one of our two in-depth conversations we will have before I write a Feng Shui Interior Design plan that serves your highest and best good. Once we uncover that, we can use that element to support you in your space.  And that’s when magic happens. 💫.

Personality Characteristics of the Elements

Wood - The Pioneer: A Resilient Visionary

Earth -  The Peacemaker: Constantly arranging and harmonizing the world

Fire - The Wizard or Communicator: Seeking Magic and Excitement

Water - The Philosopher: Relentlessly in pursuit of truth

Metal - The Alchemist: Masters Form and Function

Which element are YOU? Work with Vibrant Interiors where we will take you on a fabulous journey to discover just that!


Check Out the Recent Redfin Article We Were Featured in + Dining room refresh!
