We’re so excited to do this meaningful work with you! Here is what to expect when working with Vibrant Interiors for a Feng Shui and/or Design Consultation:

1. We begin with a FREE 15-minute phone conversation to see if Feng Shui design is right for you.

2. After our consult, we proceed with a longer Zoom call or in-person conversation where we discuss your goals and intentions for the journey.

3. An on-site or virtual property walk-through consultation that integrates the Bagua Map over your space, followed by a space clearing and blessing.

4. We will send you a customized Feng Shui report with details on how to activate chi in your space; an analysis of your True Nature; and a guide to your 9 Star Ki Astrology.

5. We conclude with a two-week follow-up to see how you are doing.

Before your consultation you will need to send us some information all about you and your environment!

Vibrant Interiors | Consultation FAQ

This will be a journey of self discovery, not just redesign.

  1. Property address - street, city, state

  2. Floor plan of your home or workspace.

  3. Birth dates of all residents or employees of your business.

  4. A short summary stating three of your intentions and personal goals.

Here are some examples:

✨Harmony & Prosperity

✨Career Empowerment

✨Healthy and Respectful Relationships

✨Healing your space and land from predecessor energy and construction.

✨Real Estate - Practices to sell your space and after purchase clearing


A lot of energy has been built up in our spaces over the last year. Time to rid your space of any unwanted chi that no longer serves your highest and best good!

Keep the high vibes going with an annual whole home and office energy clearing and Blessing 

Feng Shui enhancements can be reinforced yearly or when you experience a major change in life - including a new job, divorce, new relationship, etc.  According to BTB tradition, they are recommended after February 4th - the beginning of Spring in the Chinese calendar, also known as the solar New Year.  This is to check on your progress to see if any additional changes or remedies need to be made.

Intuitive & Vibrant Designing 

I follow  your true nature, not place so much emphasis on trends (although they can be inspiring!), to create spaces that mirror who you are! Experience mindful and purposeful design.

It’s not just about redecorating…it’s about reinvigorating your life!