Creating a Cozy Meditation Corner
Happy 1/11!
As many of my followers know, I am very into numerology and the hidden energies and sacred messages numbers can send us! I utilize the Feng Shui system of numerology in my work with clients so I can better understand what their needs are for a supportive environment and how to help them achieve their goals and desires. I find myself seeing the numbers 1:11, 2:22, and 3:33 all the time. I once got stuck in an elevator on the 22nd floor of a hotel and when the door finally opened I saw a sign for room 2222! My life flashed before my eyes that day - LOL. The Universe is constantly sending us messages through numbers. We just need to open our eyes and minds to see them.
Today is a great example! It is January 11, 2022, or 1/11. 111 is considered by many to be a sacred number and a powerful day to take advantage of the good energy to manifest your intentions. The number 1 is considered to be a Power number (who doesn’t want to be number 1 at anything, amiright?). And when tripled, woah, it is a superpower day!
The number one is also associated with assertiveness (first and foremost!), independence (I need to be freeeee!) uniqueness (am I the only one who is like this?), motivation (if there is ONE thing I do today!), new beginnings (first step), striving forward (one day at a time), and insight (love at first sight?). You get the picture, right?
To cultivate this 1-1-1 energy of positivity, achieving, and self-leadership here are some positive tips! First thing that is important is creating cozy corner to ground, center, and relax your mind!
Creating a cozy space to think about your intentions and how to activate them is so important!
Find your favorite room in your home. Or if you are limited on space, clear a section of a room you love and create a cozy nook so you have a serene place to sit and rest or think about something .
Light a candle and set an intention for the day! It can be as easy as wanting more prosperity in your life.
Think about this — what does prosperity look like to you? Better relationships, good health, more free time to engage in hobbies, more money?
ACTIVATE that energy in your heart and head by doing one small thing to help you achieve above goal out into the world.
Or if you cannot think of a way to spring into action, type in “love, frequency, manifest” on YouTube and listen to high frequency music for 11 minutes.