Feng Shui

5 Reasons to Have Your Desk in the Command Position

5 Reasons to Have Your Desk in the Command Position

Position so it is facing the entry but not directly facing the door. It can be perpendicular to a wall so you can look out the window, or it can be diagonal from the entry. The goal is to be able to see the door so you are not startled when someone walks in and you don’t have negative energy at your back.


Red Envelope Tradition

Red Envelope Tradition

The Red Envelope Tradition has been honored for many years through the Black Sect Buddhism Feng Shui lineage. When you work with Vibrant Interiors for Feng Shui services, I will share with you special meditations, rituals, space clearings, and Feng Shui cures that reflect the teachings of H.H. Professor Lin Yun and Black Sect Buddhism.